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Sanctity of Life Month - Part 2

Julie Bos

Celebrating Sanctity of Human Life Month Part 2: Frequently Asked Questions

To help you explore your thoughts and convictions in the abortion conversation, we’ve prepared a month-long blog series about Sanctity of Human Life Month—what it is, how it began, why it’s important, and how you can support it.

You may be wondering what the Sanctity of Human Life means for you, your family, your friends, or even strangers. This week, we answer your top questions about the Sanctity of Life, both as a moral concept and as an important issue impacting your community and the world.

What is the Sanctity of Human Life? The Sanctity of Human Life is a moral concept that’s rooted in the idea that all life is precious and has value. It’s also a moral conviction about how human beings are to be perceived and treated, with a special emphasis on the preciousness of human life.

The Sanctity of Human Life is also a nationally observed day (January 22), created to raise a voice against abortion and for the right to human life.

What are the violations of the Sanctity of Life? Any violence, abuse, oppression, trafficking, or other wrongs against a human being are violations of the ultimate significance of life. Many people apply the concept of the sanctity of life to issues like abortion and euthanasia.

Is the Sanctity of Life only about abortion? No. Even though the Sanctity of Life movement began after the 1973 Roe. Vs. Wade's ruling for legalized and federally protected abortions, the concept has broader implications as it protects all stages of human life. Preborn children, disabled persons, the elderly, and victims of human trafficking are the most common people groups for which the sanctity of life movement seeks to defend.

Why do Christians believe in the Sanctity of Life? The Bible establishes that humans are created in the likeness of God, giving each human life immense value. Therefore, Christians believe that every person, from conception to natural death, possesses an immeasurable worth. That includes preborn children, elderly individuals, those with special needs, and others marginalized by society. Thus, Christians have a strong moral desire to defend, protect and promote the value of all human life.

What should the Sanctity of Human Life motivate me to do? First, it should motivate us all to recognize the value of human life—both for ourselves and for others. Secondly, it should inspire us to action. It’s a moral conviction that assigns value and respect for all men, women, and children (including preborn babies in the womb), regardless of their mental capacity, physical ability, or social position.

Do you have any further questions? Leave them in the comments below!


LivingWell Pregnancy Center provides free pregnancy services to the community, for women at the crossroads of an unplanned pregnancy. We are a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit under EIN 33-0089232. Your gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

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