LivingWell Volunteer Training
Opportunities to Serve
We are able to offer free services to the community because of the dedication of our hardworking volunteers. There are many ways to bring your special skills and interests to the LivingWell team.

Lay Counseling
Listen to and support clients facing an unplanned pregnancy to life affirming- and informed choices through a foundation of truth and hope. We provide the necessary training. Counselors are asked to donate at least four consecutive hours a week.

Doctors, nurses, PA’s, NP’s, midwives, ultrasound technicians, and attorneys are of great value to our services. If you are a professional, please call 714-637-9664 to see how you can get involved!

Bulk Mailings
Stuff, stamp, and sort mailings twice a year. This is a great opportunity for high school students or other groups to begin volunteering.

Donations & Recruiting Donations
LivingWell always needs such items as diapers, baby clothes & blankets, office supplies and items for our fundraising events (centerpieces, food, water). Consider donating these items or organizing a group to donate these items.

From time to time, we have maintenance needs: broken furniture, burned out florescent bulbs, painting. If you have a knack for repairs, we can use your help periodically throughout the year.

Care Ministries
Group and individual support for men and women who have experienced abortion and/or pregnancy loss. To learn more about Care Ministries, visit our website. We provide the necessary training.

Bilingual / Translators
Do you fluently speak a second language? We are in need of bilingual (primarily Spanish-speaking) volunteers to help translate written materials, phone calls and more1

If you have elbow grease to share we can use it two-three hours a week. You can also donate time from your own cleaning company or hire cleaners to help us regularly.

Fundraising Events
If you enjoy any of the aspects of event planning (decorating, soliciting donated goods, recruiting attendees or working at the event) this is a great way to serve throughout the year. Check out our Upcoming Events today!

Ambassador Program
Be the bridge between your church or organization and our ministry! At each of our quarterly meetings, you will be trained and equipped to represent LivingWell at your home church, as well as have the opportunity to expand our reach in the community.

Baby Boutique
Sort donated baby items such as clothes, diapers, toys, etc. that we can offer in our baby boutique. Come in weekly to run the boutique for our patients.

Clerical and Administrative Work
Organizers of the world, here is your opportunity! Answer phones, file charts, and assist the marketing and public relations managers with various tasks. Strong computer skills needed. Volunteer administrators must donate at least four consecutive hours a week.

Graphic Art, Videography and Photography
Use your creative arts skills to promote LivingWell’s services and events: help work on our website, take pictures or video at our events, film client testimonies, or design much needed brochures.

Prayer Team
Every Tuesday from 9:00am to 10:00am we have a prayer hour to pray for the women we serve, our ministry partners, each other, and the community.
If you are interested in volunteering for any of these positions please email us at hope@living-well.org or call (714) 637-9664